We aim to let customers know that they play the most important role for our company. We offer our customers the greatest possible support for their and our success on the market.
An essential part in our success is played by our employees with their motivation, satisfaction and know-how, together with their sense of responsibility. Our task is therefore to create or develop the prerequisites to sustain this know-how and sense of responsibility on the existing high level among everyone, and to ensure constant further improvement. We achieve this with targeted training and support measures.
Our constantly high level of quality is guaranteed by defined, functioning workflows and their continuous improvement. We also avoid restrictive influences such as too much red tape and complex decision-making processes.
As a responsible member of the public community, we have an obligation to our environment. In our work, we follow the principle of preventive action to avoid elaborate correction measures.
Our environmental policy affects all employees. We convey our principles and objectives by means of corresponding instruction sessions. Practical support and training ensures that employees are able to acquire the know-how needed for successful implementation of this environmental policy.
An abbreviated version of our quality and environmental policy can be found on this website. Please ask us for the complete statement.