Processing machines for ultra-fine cleaning and surface treatment

Plasma technology produces optimum results at low running costs when it comes to surface pretreatment and ultra-fine cleaning. Plasma technology optimises the processes involved in conformal coating and hotmelt moulding. Plasma technology and the corresponding processing machines by WERNER WIRTH offer you the optimum technology for making durable connections of even extremely demanding components.

Whether surface pretreatment or ultra-fine cleaning, surfaces need to be treated in a great many situations. And there’s one perfect solution nearly every time: atmospheric plasma.

Processing machines for plasma technology and atmospheric plasma


Pre-treatment, ultra-fine cleaning or re-coating with atmospheric plasma technology

Processing machines for plasma technology by WERNER WIRTH can be used for a huge range of applications, even when other technologies reach their limits, for example when treating extremely sensitive materials.

Another crucial advantage: the plasma process with its low running costs is extremely economical. Above all because in the end, it holds what is supposed to hold.


Compact high level atmospheric pressure plasma source for activation and ultra-fine cleaning of surfaces.

Product description Plasma T-Spot

Adjustable output for maximum efficiency.

  • Adjustable output: 250 W to 500 W
  • Suitable for use with robots: flexible lead to plasma head
  • Space-saving shape: compact plasma head needs little space
  • Port: I/O interface and bus system available
  • Maintenance friendly: easy to change the electrodes
  • Simple integration: can be integrated in existing production lines
  • Materials: can be used with a broad range of conductive and non-conductive materials
Werner Wirth Verarbeitungstechnik Plasmatechnologie Plasma T Spot

PlasmaPen PP 1011

Compact low level atmospheric pressure plasma source for treating very sensitive surfaces.
Plasma is a cross-cutting technology in many branches of industry. It is also an indispensable surface treatment tool in many scientific laboratories. Plasma technology is used wherever quality, productivity, durability, sustainability, precision and flexibility are important.

Product description PlasmaPen PP 1011
The handy PP 1011 activates, cleans and decontaminates surfaces at atmospheric pressure. PP 1011 is used particularly for treating materials that are sensitive to temperature such as plastics. PP 1011 is also used to treat complicated surface structures such as narrow gaps, capillaries or ultrafine drilled holes.

The basic PP 1011 model is operated with argon. Oxidising or reducing gases are added in the percentage range. Molecular gases such as nitrogen or compressed air can be used by simply replacing the electrode head.

Werner Wirth Verarbeitungstechnik Plasmatechnologie

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