12.01.2023 | Pressespiegel

Fachbeitrag in EPP Europe 04/2021: „Component protection at its best with hotmelt moulding”

Agriculture is a sector that is massively affected by external environmental influences.

Electronics are used almost everywhere today and particularly exposed to light, moisture temperature fluctuations, vibrations and corrosion.

Although such housings offer reliable protection, they are rigid and inflexible. Agriculture, for example is a sector that is massively affected by external environmental influences. Hotmelt moulding is perfect in agriculture since machines or electronics are subject to different weather conditions every day.
Read the full professional article released in EPP Europe 04/2021 where Bernd Conrad, Business Development Manager at Werner Wirth GmbH, explains the principle of component protection by use of Hotmelt Moulding and why it is particularly suitable for agricultural applications.

Hier geht’s zum vollständigen Artikel auf EPP-Europe-News.com.

Oder finden Sie hier den EPP-Europe-Artikel als PDF zum Download.